The mission of GATE is to conduct Big Data and AI applied research, to develop innovations and provide education in collaboration with government, industry and entrepreneurs. Based on this, it will generate well educated professionals, new business opportunities and societal impact in Bulgaria and Europe.
We develop advanced research with minimum constraints and maximum initiative, integrated and interoperable with strategic national and EU infrastructures.
We seek to meet the need for ecological, social and economic sustainability in a committed, innovative and pioneering way.
We enhance the innovation potential of the Institute through University-Government-Industry-Society collaboration based on trust between the stakeholders.
We address and work on issues of societal importance.
We are committed to open science and open access to knowledge and research.
We aim to become a global competitive ecosystem for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence research and innovation.
We strengthen the human potential of scientists and technology developers in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence.
The ultimate goal of the Institute is to create a European ecosystem that will serve as a bridge between the scientific community and industry.
GATE develops research capacity and potential in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, cultivating the next generation of leading scientists by expanding the existing research network and establishing long-term agreements with leading global organizations. At the same time, the Institute builds sustainable stakeholder relationships, focusing on technological collaboration between government, industry, academia and non-governmental organizations towards Artificial Intelligence and smart decision-making models.