Hosted by the Center of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (TNO), International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), the Basic Data Infrastructure network and the Data Spaces Support Centre, boosted by the Data Spaces Business Alliance, and organized together with EUHubs4Data and MyData Global the forum brings together all relevant data sharing initiatives and endeavours at one place.

Throughout all three days, there will be time and space for various tracks and continued discussion from the days before.

The organisers promise a thought-provoking agenda featuring forward-thinking experts; deep insight into the work of the Data Spaces Support Centers, and exclusive networking and engagement opportunities.

For more information about the event and to register visit:

On November 9, 2022, GATE as the Bulgarian IDSA Hub Facilitator, initiated the first Urban Data Space in Bulgaria, where different organizations can share and access data for developing new business products and improving services in the city. The event was organized in Sofia in partnership with the International Data Spaces Association (IDSA).

Among the first more than 15 members of the Bulgarian Urban Data Space are various organizations such as the National Statistical Institute, Sofia Development Association and Sofiaplan, business representatives such as Overgas, CNSys, Kontrax, Rila Solutions, Telelink Business Services and Senstate, and the non-governmental organizations For the Earth, One Tree, and Data for Good.