On July 3, at 5:00 p.m., in the new high-tech building of GATE, students from the 4th year of the “Landscape Architecture” specialty at UACG will present their projects, innovative ideas, and solutions. They will introduce attendees to different approaches to landscape design based on field research conducted as part of the feasibility study. They will practically demonstrate their knowledge and skills to create a more sustainable and pleasant environment.

In addition to the GATE Institute, FMI, the Faculty of Physics and the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the “Lozenets” campus is also home to the Centre of Excellence “Universities of Science, Informatics and Technologies in the e-Society” (UNITe), the Centre of Competence “Clean Technologies for a Sustainable Environment – Water, Waste, Energy for circular economy” – Clean&Circle, as well as one of the laboratory complexes of the Centre of Excellence in Mechatronics and Clean Technologies.

A jury of representatives of all research structures and faculties on the Lozenets campus will nominate the three best conceptual solutions, which will receive awards from GATE.

The initiative aims to involve young talents in Ladshaft architecture in a real case study in which they can demonstrate their skills. At the same time, the result of their work will be of real benefit to the improvement of this emblematic place for science – to make it greener, more beautiful, and inspiring.