The focus will be on the work of three EDMO centres: ADMO – the digital media hub in Croatia and Slovenia, BROD – the Bulgarian-Romanian digital media observatory, as well as MEDMO – the Mediterranean hub operating in Greece, Cyprus and Malta. The seminar will be part of a series of similar events and will be of interest to all organizations that develop and offer training programmes in the field of media and information literacy.
The GATE Institute at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is the coordinator of the Bulgarian-Romanian BROD hub. Among the speakers of the webinar will be several representatives from BROD – Assoc. Prof. Milena Dobreva from the GATE Institute; Prof. Nicoleta Corbu, National School of Political and Administrative Studies (Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative, SNSPA), Romania; as well as speakers from other organizations such as Kostas Konstantinidis from the University of Cyprus.
Iglika Ivanova from the Bulgarian Coalition for Media Literacy emphasized that international cooperation is particularly useful with the growing number of media and information literacy training events. She added that BROD is expected to contribute to the upcoming Media Literacy Days in our country with training for media professionals on fact-checking tools and environments. Associate Professor Dobreva from Sofia University noted that EDMO’s ambition to develop a set of indicators to measure the quality of training in the media and information literacy field is a necessary step to offer increasingly successful training and campaigns.
The network of fourteen EDMO hubs is now active in all 27 member states of the European Union. The organization aims to counter disinformation and analyze its impact on society and democracy at both national and European levels. Each of these hubs is actively involved in promoting digital and media literacy as part of its mission and has dedicated teams working on the topic.
The working language of the webinar will be English. It is organized by the Media and Learning Association (MLA) at EDMO.