
The project will set up and operate a Support Centre to operationalize the European Strategy for Data. This Data Spaces Support Centre will facilitate common data spaces that collectively create an interoperable data-sharing environment, to enable data reuse and secondary use within and across sectors, fully respecting EU values, and contributing to the European economy and society.


Big Data Value Association, International Data Spaces Association, FIWARE,  VTT, TNO, GAIA-X, KU Leuven, MyData, Sitra, Capgemini, University of Galway. GATE is an associated partner.


The Support Centre explores the needs of the data spaces initiatives, the common requirements, and best practises. By distilling existing solutions, integrating what works, and closing gaps of what is missing, the Support Centre delivers the Data Spaces Blueprint, composed of common building blocks encompassing the business, legal, operational, technical and societal aspects of data spaces.