Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

(Albert Einstein)

Kaloyan is an Urbanist with a Masters’s degree from UACEG Sofia and specialization from TU Vienna. He has experience with urban and mobility analyses, spatial data manipulation, policymaking and stakeholder engagement. 

He was part of the core team behind the long-term strategic document for the municipality of Sofia– Vision Sofia 2050. He coordinated the research and the proposals for policy goals and measures for two of the seven topics of the document – Mobility and Urban environment. He conducted various analyses in the field of urban morphology and build density as well as spatial syntax and mobility network analyses for measuring accessibility to parks, public transportation stops and schools. 

He continued working on urban issues as member of Sofiaplan, the administrative unit behind Vision Sofia. Kaloyan took part in the creation of the Urban development plan of Sofia which gives structure for municipal policies and priority investments. He coordinated the development of the digital city units passports, a shared spatial data representation on neighborhood level. He also coordinated the concept document for creating the transport model of Sofia including research of different types of models and their use cases. Kaloyan consulted the team working on the Sustainable urban mobility plan of Sofia. He led the communication with smaller municipalities from the Southwest region to encourage data sharing and improve coordination of strategic documents. Kaloyan worked on the application of the shrinking town of Blagoevgrad, for the first 100 Climate neutral cities in Europe as part of the Climate Mission of the European Commision.