The DS4DTCCI workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners not only from computer science and data science but also from the industry sector and from governmental bodies, interested in the design and development of data-driven DTCCIs as well as of dataspaces for DTCCIs..

The workshop will represent a fruitful opportunity for discussing the latest research developments and the ongoing challenges in the field, as well as for fostering collaborations and networking.

Submissions are encouraged from: computer scientists working on data management, analytics, and visualization; data security experts actively involved in protecting DTCCIs; data scientists working on industrial data and Industrial-IoT solutions for critical infrastructures; urban planners actively involved in data-driven urban modelling. Participation from industry representatives willing to present peculiar case studies about dataspaces for DTCCIs is also welcome.

The invited submissions include original research papers, position papers, and case studies on topics related to Dataspaces for DTCCIs, such as:

  • Data integration and interoperability for DTCCIs
  • Data quality assessment and improvement for DTCCIs
  • Data privacy and security in DTCCIs
  • Data provenance, lineage, and sovereignty in DTCCIs
  • Dataspaces supporting big data processing and analytics for DTCCIs
  • Data models and data pipelines for DTCCIs
  • Crowd-sourced data and citizen science for DTCCIs
  • Applications of DTCCIs explicitly using dataspaces

The submission deadline is 1 October 2023.